What You Can Do for Teeth Grinding

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Bruxism—also known as teeth grinding—can be a serious dental problem. Sadly, the exact cause of bruxism is unknown, there are a few signs you can watch for and a few things that can be done to avoid the problem entirely. However, some people may not even realize that they struggle with teeth grinding.

If you grind your teeth during the day, it’s fairly easy to notice and you can teach yourself to stop. However, many people grind their teeth during their sleep. This is problematic because teeth grinding can lead to damaged teeth, headaches, and jaw pain. Similarly, people who deal with bruxism are also more likely to have sleeping disorders such as sleep apnea.

Similarly, if you’re told that you make a grinding or clenching sound while you sleep, you may be unknowingly suffering from bruxism. Other common signs of bruxism include waking up with injuries on your tongue or your cheeks, with frequent headaches, a tired jaw, or earaches. If you notice any of these signs, please visit your dentist.

Fortunately, your dentist will be able to help you overcome these problems. Depending on the severity of your situation, he or she may recommend simple treatments to help you learn to stop grinding your teeth, or could create a custom mouthguard or splint to stop you from grinding. Finally, you could be dealing with teeth grinding because your jaw is damaged or misaligned. Your dentist may decide that addressing this issue is the most effective way to treat your bruxism.

Please feel free to contact our office if you notice any of these complications. We will gladly address any of your concerns and will work hard to keep you comfortable. We’re excited to hear from you soon.